These are the pieces that led to being what Rhian Kate is today

These were the made in the beginning stages before the collection of 'Solar'.

I melted pewter and poured it onto sand so it would create it's own form.

This piece was informed by pouring molten pewter into water.

I melted pewter and poured it onto sand so it would create it's own form.

This piece was informed by pouring molten pewter into water. I then put them in resin to create this piece.

This was one of the first collections I had made, this is when I taught myself how to wire wrap.

This is the collection that really got me into making jewellery. I made the jewellery out of paper clips.

The idea behind this piece was that each wire ball was a problem you had in your life so when you put them together you can feel the weight. The were made of wire because you can resolve those problems.